Monday, January 27, 2020
Internet Responsible For Social Changes In Teenagers Media Essay
Internet Responsible For Social Changes In Teenagers Media Essay In 1950s, the first electronic computer was invented. This made work of day to day life very easy for the working population. But later in 1980s, the first world-wide Internet Protocol Suite was regulated and the world-wide network of all the computers interconnected through IP/TCP was called INTERNET. Then it started bringing reforms in working style, schools and education and recreational activities. Later, social networking sites were first introduced. Lately, internet has caused a very long term drastic changes in peoples day to day life. It has made communication so much easier that its use is rapidly increasing and is affecting the population of all the age groups. The age group which is most affected are the teenagers. Internet has provided them with different recreational activities with the most popular activity called social networking. à ¢- à ¢- à ¢- Frequently children in 4th-6th grade levels engage in social networking activities. In the process they post personal, potentially exploitable, information about themselves online. Specifically, and within the last school year: 16% posted personal interests online, 15% posted information about their physical activities and 20% gave out their real name. In addition, 5% posted information about their school, 6% posted their home address, 6% posted their phone number and 9% posted pictures of themselves. This has led to child abuse which include kidnapping and raping that disrupts a kids childhood. à ¢- à ¢- à ¢- Why I Chose This Topic? I chose this topic because in myself think that I have lately been using a lot of resources from internet for my educational work as well as recreation and fun. I have been using facebook very much lately and that has directly reflected on my grades in the exams that I gave lately. This addiction is so intense that I have to spend 2 hours of my time on facebook every day. So I have decided to research about how internet has affected my life? Global Perspective Internet gives us access to virtually unlimited amount of knowledge and information. The days are gone when teenagers had to flip through the books. Internet has made this very easier and books have been replaced by laptops and desktop-computers. These have made international cross communications very easier and have introduced different life concepts and cultures amongst the teenager who use internet. As the statistics suggests, 98% of the population aged from 18-24 uses social media too frequent in their day to day life. Worldwide, there are more than 1 billion user active users for the big three Microsofts Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail and Gmail. The international schools in MEDCs (more economically developed countries) like USA and UK encourage the use of internet widely in their type of teaching style. E-mails are used by students to make the communication easier, organised and faster for students and teachers both. GmailÆ’Â 425 million active users in June 2012 HotmailÆ’Â 350 million active users in October 2011 Yahoo MailÆ’Â 310 million active users in October 2011 More than 1.2 billion people across the globe uses worldwide social networking sites very frequently with most of them as children aged fewer than 20s. The survey of Rochester Institute of Technology states that 48% of students 2nd to 4th graders interact with people on social networking sites, while 50% indicate that their parents watch them when they use a computer and they have strict regulations over how to use internet and time limits for use of internet. But Harris Interactive-McAfee said that 63% of teenagers said that they know how to hide what they browse online from their parents. This suggests that the teenagers are slipping out of their limits and exploring data in the internet that they are not supposed to. Social networks are becoming more frequently used for dating purposes for teens. As suggested by Harris Interactive-McAfee survey, 52% of teens have given out personal information online to someone they dont know offline including personal photos and/or physical descriptions of themselves (24%). Statistics of the girls (34%) suggest that more girls have shared their personnel details than boys (15%). National Perspective- INDIA Introduction to diverse life concepts and cultures Development and introduction of internet through India has introduced many life concepts, different ideologies, cultures and different concepts on the very basic notion of how to live life. From cultures of the western world to cultures of remote civilizations, it is said that the internet has made perception of life in general, extremely individualistic. Even if most of the Indian teenagers have not been abroad, but you can still see a part of them turning into western type culture. Exposure to vices and bad habits Internet is a pool of unlimited amount information. This cannot be always thought in a good way because this information portal has no device of filtering information for teenagers in India. Lets consider a typical global issue of pornography websites. Some of the websites have disclaimers which wares the user and warns them about what they are visiting because of the confirmation of age above 18 is asked. But is that working successfully to stop the teenagers from entering the adult websites? This was just an example. Indian teenagers have free access to information regarding drugs, sexuality and other ill habits that are condoned by the government of India. Concept of friendshipsC:UsersArjun DethaliaDownloads128863011033949093.png 1990: In these times, a friend was the one who youd meet regularly and have fun to gather. At last you would have many everlasting memories. And the communication took place through letters and telephones. When they part-away, there was agony of being separated because of no long distance communication as India was not developed in those times. 2012: A friend is a person whose profile has been added to your profile and you know him by chatting or in neighbourhood. Communication with him/her takes place through chats and call. There is just a little feel of sadness when your friend drifts away because you could always stay in touch through social networks. Changing norms and traditions Internet has challenged the very thought of traditionalism of a cultural and religious India. In a land where culture, religion and values come before anything else in the world, internet is ruffling quite a few feathers -whether it is challenging traditions of how to build a house, how to use frozen food, how to live a nomadic life by taking backpacking trips or something as absurd as a woman looking up ways of becoming a pilot and a man looking up colleges to study catering. (Indonesia)Abductions and kidnapping have caused a large problem in countries like Indonesia. There have been several cases of kidnapping and child abuse there and police can really not do anything about it as the identity of the internet user is anonymous. Police is nearly impossible to find the culprit. Individual/ Local Perspective Rajkot is a city located in India, Gujarat. It is the 4th largest city in Gujarat and is one of the fastest growing cities in India. As it has gone through a rapid urbanisation, there has been a widespread use of internet since past 10 years. Internet has helped the teens of Rajkot transition in many different ways. Todays Teenagers of Rajkot uses technology more than they ever did. More than 80% of Junior-High students in TGS (The Galaxy School- one of the best schools in Rajkot) have internet access which they use to send and receive email, instant messages, live chat, and more. Well, the schools of Rajkot has tried to introduce education through internet amongst children from which TGS is has been extremely successful. Teens of Rajkot have nearly stopped hanging out with their friends because of internet because they could now; easily chat with their friends through live-chat/conference-calls. Online chatting also has its own hazards. Especially, when talking to strangers online they do not really know who they are. They can be just anybody pretending to be someone else. Many teens of Rajkot have been reported of child abuse and kidnapping happening this way!! And it has come hard on police as there is no way of verifying who have really done this. As far as I have researched, I have to agree that internet harms the teenagers more than they improve them. I am a teenager, 15 years old, and Internet has changed my life to a great extent. It provides me data that I can download and watch free without even paying for it in real life. I have a privilege to use internet whenever I want as far as I use it for something productive. As far as I have researched internet is bad for teenagers life and should be used in limited amounts a day or it could lead to addiction, a permanent physical disorder like weight gaining or could create a barrier between kids and their social life. Thus, I will try to cut down on my internet usage and will try to do my most of the work by many other authentic sources like books and articles. Possible Scenarios:- Cyber-Bullying Cyber-Bullying is a form of bullying that takes place over the internet that maliciously threatens a And humiliates the victim very badly. It was declared a serious crime by National Crime Prevention Council, in 2010. It has extremely dangerous consequences like emotional distress to victims; from which depression has caused many deaths by suicides committed by youth. It is difficult to prevent as the criminal/s are anonymous and are hard to find. But if society takes necessary actions, the frequency of it occurring can be reduced. Friends and family of victims are also impacted when cyber bullying occurs. They may also feel powerless to stop it or guilty for not having spoken out against the bullying.   Social Development It has been proved that kids who spend more time on social networking cannot converse with people as well as who spend less. This is a real blow to kids development Children cannot therefore not socialize and blend with the people around them. Possible Courses of Action Kids under 15 are less stubborn and easy to control. Parents could just watch over them while they are browsing through internet for studies or anything else that is productive. They could be allotted with time to go online on social networks and chat with their friends or play games. Children that are over 15 are stubborn and are not as easy to control. So there are ways of watching over what they do on internet. Everything except the productive data on internet could be blocked using a software like Cyber-Roam Porn and drug trading is against the rules of using internet for teenagers. It is also legal to some extent in the developed countries. But it is still too harmful to get introduced in teens life. To stop the illegal activities happening on internet, sites that are for above adults should ask for a particular ID that proves that the person is above 18/adult. Drug trading online is illegal in each and every country of the world. There is no way that it could be banned in the country in a short period of time; but awareness can gradually reduce the amount of drug trades over years until it is nearly negligible.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Film “Crash†Essay
The inclusion of the 2006 film â€Å"Crash†in a multicultural psychology class is an interesting way to show that prejudices within certain cultures can develop because they are based on the reality of the situation and that prejudices develop equally within all racial groups. No one group is more or less prone to racial prejudice than any other. â€Å"Crash†is also a study is extremes as virtually every character in the movie presents a view of other races that is based on biases, anger and misconceptions. Unfortunately, two of the scenes in the movie seem to reinforce stereotypes and that was a bit disappointing. The initial scene with Anthony and Peter discussing the stereotypes of being black men in an all white neighborhood and other people shying away from them was impacting and disappointing when it turned out that they two of them were in fact there for nefarious reasons. And, when we discover that Kim Lee’s husband was trafficking in Chinese slaves was also a sad stereotype that made the movie more impacting, but also was a disappointment that the writer resorted to that stereotype. The movie is so full of examples of prejudice that it is hard to determine where the commentary on the racism begins and where it ends. For example, in an early scene, Farhad and Dorri are attempting to buy a handgun from a local gun shop and the store owner immediately assumes that they are Arabs, based on skin color and accent. In a later scene, Dorri is talking with her mother who says, in response to â€Å"raghead†and other slurs spray painted on their store walls, â€Å"they assume we are Muslims when we are Christian†. (Haggis, 2006). The gun store owner reacts with anger assuming that Farhad is a terrorist and attacks him with any number of racial slurs based on his broken English. Farhad assumes that the Caucasian gun store owner was attempting to cheat him and continues with that prejudice later when Daniel arrives to fix the broken lock on the door of his store. One of the saddest commentaries the movie makes on the affects of racism is the scene between Daniel and Farhad, resulting in Farhad’s accusation that Daniel is trying to cheat him. Daniel is one of two characters in the movie who generally is shown as treating people the same regardless of how they treat him. When Jean Cabot has a screaming fit about the fact that she has been robbed at gunpoint by African Americans and that her locksmith is Hispanic, Daniel says nothing, just slams the key on the counter and leaves. He does instigate the attack on Farhad’s store, but that is motivated by the fact that Farhad will not pay him, not by any racial animosity, or at least no animosity that is demonstrated in the movie. Farhad’s daughter Dorri is the only other character whose racial behavior is not offensive. Dorri expressed disappointment at other’s actions towards her father and her father’s actions towards others, but she herself does not exhibit racism. Another interesting study in racism in the movie is in the conversations between Anthony and Peter. At one point, Anthony lectures Peter on the difference between stealing from people outside of the African American community and within the community. He also argues that gangsta rap is a government conspiracy to make the black community fight within itself. Peter shows his racism in his assumption that all country music is a racist plot against African Americans. Later, Peter’s inability to let go of his own joke about the country music costs him his life. In the scene when he is killed, Peter is laughing about the music and virtually picking a fight with the police officer played by Ryan Phillipe who picks him up on a cold night while he is hitchhiking. The officer, Tom Hansen, who has objected to racism over and over throughout the movie to this point, shows his prejudice when Peter says that he wanted to play ice hockey and then get irritated with the way that Peter mocks his music. When Peter finally finds the common ground that could bring them together, a statue of St. Christopher on the dashboard, he fails to come right out and say so. Instead he pulls his own statute out of his pocket. Had he simply spoken instead of taking action, his death could have been avoided. Again, the death is a sad commentary on the way that prejudices develop. When Hansen first encounters racism on the police force, he is offended and wants to be removed from the partner, John Ryan, who was openly racist. Later, Ryan tells him, â€Å"Wait until you lived a little longer†(Haggis, 2006). Ryan’s character is a blatant racist, pulling over the Thayers, a 40-something black couple for no reason other than to screw with them and molest Christine Thayer under the pretense of a search for weapons. Hansen is offended by the way Ryan treats the Thayers and then a night later shoots and kills a black teen, dumps the body and torches his own car to cover the crim. Even the â€Å"good†character is racist in this movie. Ryan explains to the HMO representative Shaniqua why he has developed his racist attitude but does so only after insinuationg that she received her job only because she was a black woman and after insulting her. For her part, Shaniqua could have overcome Ryan’s racism by doing the right thing herself, but because she encountered so much racism over the course of her lifetime, she perpetuated the racism by not doing the right thing and approving additional care for Ryan’s father. Ryan later sort of redeems himself by going into Christine Thayer’s burning car to rescue her after an accident, proving that even a bigot can do the right thing sometimes. In many ways the most disturbing form of racism shown in the movie is that of Jean and Rick Cabot. Jean Cabot explodes in anger after being robbed, attacking her housekeeper for not putting away the dishes from the dishwasher and assuming that her locksmith will sell her house key to gang bangers who will then rob her. By the end of the movie, her attitude is changed when the only one who will come to her rescue is her housekeeper. After getting treatment, she tells her husband that her friend of 10 years wouldn’t come take her to the hospital because she was getting a massage. Her husband and his staff were unavailable and only the housekeeper, whom she had yelled at earlier in the day and was, contemplating firing for no apparent reason, would take care of her. At least her reactions to other races were genuine. More disturbing were the actions of Rick Cabot. He treated all the races as equal stepping stones to his political career. His only question about a hero firefighter was â€Å"Does he look black? †until he learned that the man’s name was Saddam. Then he spent the time yelling at his publicist to find a better way to spin things for him. He allowed his people to offer to fail to prosecute a black detective’s younger brother, peter, for car theft in an effort to add an investigator of color to his inner circle. He ignored evidence that a white cop killed a black cop because the black cop was corrupt, not because the white cop was a racist, which he might have been. The examples of racism in the movie are too frequent to list in a paper. There’s the Puerto Rican/Guatemalan police woman who mocks a Chinese driver for not seeing her â€Å"blake lights†and not being able to see over the steering wheel. Her African American boyfriend tells his mother he’s sleeping with a white woman, explaining to her that it will upset his mother more than saying he’s sleeping with a Mexican. The Chinese woman, Kim Lee, says with authority that Mexicans don’t know how to drive. In a bit part, Tony Danza argues with an African-American television director that his co-star â€Å"sounds less Black†and that his character is supposed to be the smart one. All in all, â€Å"Crash†is an interesting commentary on racism across the culture, showing that many races share the same wrong perceptions of the other races. The movie is one stereotype after another, both coming out of the mouths of the characters, and in the characterization of the people within the movie. However, it is in fact a good way to learn that all cultures make the same mistakes and that they all need to stop making such biased assumptions. WORKS CITED Haggis, Paul. (Writer/Director), 2006, â€Å"Crash†USA: Bull’s Eye Entertainment.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Evolution in biology
The evolution of life on Earth has resulted in many hundreds of thousands of species. Genetic evidence reveals that humans share a common ancestor with life forms as different from us as bacteria and corn plants. In early 1800s, the source of Earth's remarkable diversity of life forms was hotly disputed. Many people believed that all species had come into existence at the same time in the distant past.In 1831 Charles Darwin sailed to South America, and during the long Atlantic crossing Darwin studied geology and collected marine life. During tops along the coast and at various islands, he observed other species of organisms in environments ranging from sandy shores to high mountains. Darwin's melding of his observations of the natural world with the ideas of others led him to propose that evolution could occur by way of a process called natural selection. The history of life on Earth spans nearly 4 billion years.It is a story of how species originated, survived or went extinct, and s tayed put or spread into new environments. Microevolution is the name for cumulative genetic changes that may give rise to new species, Macroevolution is the name for the large-scale patterns, rends, and rates of change among groups of species. An individual fish, flower, or person does not evolve. Evolution occurs only when there is change in the genetic makeup of whole populations of organisms. In biology, a population is a group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area.In theory, the members of a population have inherited the same number and kinds of genes. These genes make up the population's gene pool. Mutation is harmful when it alters a trait such that an affected individual cannot survive or reproduce as well as other individuals. For example, for us humans, small cuts are common. By contrast, a beneficial trait improves some aspect of an individual's functioning in the environment and so improves chances of surviving and reproducing. A neutral trait, such a s attached earlobes in humans, doesn't help nor hurt survival.Darwin formulated his theory of evolution by natural selection by correlating his understanding of inheritance with certain features of populations. In 1859 he published his ideas in a classic book, On the Origin of Species. We can express the main pints of Darwin's insight as follows: 1. The individuals ofa population vary in their body form, functioning, and behavior. 2. Many variations can be passed from generation to generation. 3. In every set of circumstances, some versions ofa trait are more advantageous than others. 4.Natural selection is the difference in survival and reproduction that we observe in individuals who have different version of a trait. 5. A population is evolving when some forms of a trait are becoming more or less common relative to the other forms. 6. Over time, shifts in the makeup of gene pools have been responsible for the amazing diversity of life forms on Earth. Natural selection is not the o nly process that can adjust the relative numbers of different alleles in a gene pool. This kind of gene pool tweaking is called genetic drift.The makeup of a gene pool also can change as individuals migrate into or out of a populations genetically similar. For humans and other sexually reproducing organism, a species is a genetic unit consisting of one or more populations of organism that usually closely resembles each other physically and physiologically. This buildup of genetic differences between isolated populations is called divergence. When the genetic differences are so great that members of the two populations can't interbreed, speciation has occurred: the populations have become separate species.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Cyberbullying Does Not Have A Good Effect On Self Esteem
With social media and the internet being as accessible as it is today, cyberbullying has become one of the more â€Å"popular†ways to bully someone. Cyberbullying is using the internet or electronics to send a threatening or intimidating message to another person to incite fear or anger. This has become a problem in today’s society, because it is having a negative impact on our young people. Cyberbullying causes low self-esteem, psychological, and physical stress to the young people who fall victim to it. There are several emotional effects that cyberbullying may have on someone’s life, such as low self-esteem. Self-esteem is the opinion that we have of our own self worth, or our confidence in our abilities. High self-esteem is a good thing to have because a person believes in themselves, wants what is best for them in every aspect of their life, and will have the ambition to chase after their goals. Cyberbullying does not have a good effect on self-esteem. â₠¬Å"A good amount of research in the past has linked low self-esteem to poorer academic achievement, absenteeism, health problems, criminal behavior, and a number of other consequences.†(Cyberbullying Research Center, 2010). When a person is consistently being bullied, made fun of, or told they are not good enough, it in turn lowers their self-esteem causing other detrimental problems in their lives. The reason that low self-esteem can have the consequences is because self-esteem is a person’s drive to want to do and beShow MoreRelatedCyberbullying: Nowhere to Escape1258 Words  | 5 PagesAll around the world, the internet is being used daily by kids. People in the UK can have a complete conversation with a person in Utah with just a click of a button. A housewife can go on line and search for an answer to almost any problem she has but she does not think of the dangers. 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